Geriatric Appeal

For CUH Charity, dignity is non-negotiable.

As people get older and frailer, the capacities that we take for granted; being able to remember things, to walk independently, to manage personal care, to meet one’s nutritional needs can deteriorate.

Our mission is to deliver exceptional, kind and safe care and keep older people as independent as possible.

With your support, we intend to have Ward 1A meet all the standards expected on a Specialist Geriatric Ward. Any donations made to support this appeal will be an investment into the future of Geriatric Care in Munster.

With a target of €300,000, we intend to:

• Undertake a full refurbishment of Ward 1A
• Design the ward to create a calm, orientating, and supportive setting that promotes healing and recovery. We want to add a more ‘homely’ feel.
• Creation of a dayroom, where patients can take their meals, interact with other patients, and experience private time with visitors.
• Include a suite for patients receiving end-of-life care, to give our patients and their families a quiet, private space, away from the busy clinical area to spend precious time together.

You cannot put a price on dignity. We are asking for you to give whatever you can to support this campaign and support the older members of our community by clicking here and making a donation today.

Thank You.

Geriatrics Team