Monthly Donation
You can become a Friend of CUH by setting up a monthly donation by recurring credit card or standing order. Your ongoing support will have such a huge impact on enhancing the care our community receives by funding new live-saving equipment and facilities.
2 easy ways to set up your monthly gift

Recurring Credit Card Gift
Simply click here to make an online donation and tick the Monthly Gift by Debit/Credit Card option.

Standing Order Gift
Simply print off this form, complete it with your details and return it to us at the address provided.
Want to give 45% more at no extra cost to you?
If you’re a taxpayer and donate €250 or more to CUH Charity in one year, your gift could be worth an extra 45% in tax back from the Revenue Commissioner. To make your gift go even further, at no extra cost to you, just print and complete your CHY3 Form Here and return it to us at CUH Charity, Room 8, Main Concourse, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork.